BCSSL is an organization that works towards protecting the biodiversity and the balance of natural environment mainly through awareness and conservation of butterflies. Our community consists of diverse individuals ranging from professional wildlife researchers to amateurs that hold an interest in insects. Whatever your profession may be, if you are a butterfly enthusiast, you are welcome to join us!
How can you join?
BCSSL offers 5 kinds of memberships:
- General membership (Rs. 500/= for a year)
- Long term membership (Rs. 2000/= for 5 years)
- School membership (Rs. 250/= for a year)
- Overseas membership (Rs. 3000/= for a year)
- Long-term overseas membership (Rs. 15000/= for a year)
For any kind of membership the applicant should be over 15 years of age.
BCSSL bank details:
Bank: Sampath Bank - Colombo Super Branch
Name: Butterfly Conservation Society of Sri Lanka
Account No: 117561000469
Note: Mention ‘BCSSL membership’ as the purpose for payment in the bank slip.
You can deposit the pertaining membership fee to the above bank account and send us a copy of the approved bank slip along with the duly filled application form using either of the following methods.
Online application
Fill the Google Form in the following link, attach a copy of the bank slip/payment receipt and submit. You should have a GMail account for this.
Google Form for membership application
Via email
Fill the application form below and email it with a scanned copy or a photograph of the bank slip to: (CC to
Via post
Fill the application form below and mail a copy of the approved bank slip with the filled application form to the following address:
Butterfly Conservation Society of Sri Lanka,
No: 762/A,
You can also obtain the membership directly at our meetings/events. We will inform you about the upcoming events and lectures via emails.
Membership Application Form
Come with Us to the World of Insects