Butterfly Conservation Society of Sri Lanka (ශ්රී ලංකා සමනල සංරක්ෂණ සංසදය) is the first organization founded in the country for the conservation of moths and butterflies. Our vision is to protect the biodiversity and the balance of natural environment through conservation of butterflies and moths. Our mission includes: conduct research and collect data on this faunal group, build inter-relationship between scientists and amateurs who study them, create awareness among the general public, assist the government in conservation efforts, encourage our own members to study them in depth.
We value the diversity of people in our organization since we believe that diversity is strength. Our members are diverse in profession, age and knowledge, yet we all have in common the endless love for these soft-winged beauties. Anybody who has a flair for them are always welcomed by the organization.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever had" (Margaret Mead).
It has always happened. So never hesitate to join us if you too want to make it happen.
To protect the biodiversity and the balance of natural environment through conservation of butterflies and moths.
- Conduct research and collect data on this faunal group.
- Build inter-relationship between scientists and amateurs who study them.
- Create awareness among general public.
- Assist the government in conservation efforts.
- Encourage our own members to study them in depth.
Meet The Team
Himesh Jayasinghe
Founder and the first president of the Butterfly Conservation Society of Sri Lanka, Himesh was an irrigation engineer by profession and a graduate from the University of Moratuwa. Currently he is a Mphil candidate of University of Colombo on plant systematics, working in collaboration with National Institute of Fundamental Studies and National herbarium – Peradeniya.
He has been a nature lover since his childhood. His passion for nature intensified by working with the environmental society of the Ananda college, Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka and the Young Zoologists’ Association of Sri Lanka. He also founded the "Nature Team" of the University of Moratuwa, which is a gathering of nature loving students. Employment in the Irrigation Department gave him the opportunity to explore many wild areas in the country and it was a disguised blessing for him as a keen wildlife observer.
Himesh has engaged in leading researches in the fields of butterflies, birds and fish and has published research papers in academic journals. He is the author of the book "A Guide to the Common Butterflies of Sri Lanka" and one of the co-authors of the book "A Pocket Guide to the Butterflies of Sri Lanka". His love for plants has taken him a long distance in the field of Sri Lankan flora by finding some new plant species that are new to the country and plants that had considered being extinct. He is one of the main contributors for the book “Illustrated filed guide to the flowers of Sri Lanka”.
He is a member of the “Butterfly expert group” that compiled the book "Red data listing -2012" and a member of the team for preparation of the Butterfly Conservation Action Plan-2013 that was conducted by the Biodiversity Secretariat. He is currently a member of “Higher plants expert group” for upcoming Red List. Being one of the pioneers in the field of the butterflies, Himesh has been playing a major role in butterfly conservation in Sri Lanka.
Legal Adviser
Malaka Palliyaguruge
Malaka is one of the founding members of BCSSL and acted as the first Vice President of the society.
An attorney at law by profession, he's currently reading for his Masters degree in Environmental Sciences at the Open University of Sri Lanka.
Narmadha Dangampola
Narmadha Dangampola is a science graduate from the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo with a special degree in Zoology. She is one of the founder members and has performed as the President of the Butterfly Conservation Society of Sri Lanka (2019,2020). She is now voluntarily involving with various organizations in conducting conservation activities mainly related to environmental education.
For her undergraduate research work, she carried out the first ever systematic parasitological survey of captive mammals housed in the National Zoological Gardens by providing a knowledge database for conducting future studies on parasites of captive and wild mammals in Sri Lanka. She has worked as an instructor at Department of Zoology, University of Colombo.
As her profession, she is working in the Environment and Landscape Division of the Urban Development Authority and acting as the Park Manager of Beddagana Wetland Park, one of the wetland centers within Colombo Ramsar City.
She is also a committee member of the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka (FOGSL) and conducting wildlife and nature educational programs for kids as the Main Instructor in FOGSL KIDS programs. Her enthusiasm and passion for exploring nature had led her to work with similar minded people to enhance the quality of the environment.
Vice President
Thisaru Guruge
Thisaru is a graduate from Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, and works as a Software Engineer. He's currently studying for his master's in Environmental Sciences from University of Colomobo.
He has been a nature enthusiast since his childhood and has an age-old relationship with environment. He started as a member of school wildlife foundation and never turned back. Before joining BCSSL, he was an active member of Youth Exploration Society (YES) Sri Lanka, he has involved in many conservation projects as a volunteer.
Currently Thisaru is jointly-handling all the Web and Social Media operations in BCSSL.
Bhagya Amarasinghe
Bhagya is a graduate from University of Colombo who followed a Honours degree in Zoology. Currently works as a teaching assistant at University of Colombo. Bhagya is a member of BCSSL since 2017. She has been fasinated by nature from a very young age and she is a nature enthusiast and conservationist at heart. Exploring and reasearching is her passion.
Assistant Secretary
Sewwandi Kuruppu
Sewwandi is an undergraduate of department of chemistry, faculty of science in university of colombo.
She is a nature enthusiast and has been working on various environment conservation projects in her university life with fellow students.
Ruwangika Gunawardana
Graduated from Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Ruwangika is a software engineer by profession. She's studying for her Master's on Environmental Sceince from University of Colombo.
As a nature lover and a conservation enthusiast, she has involved in many nature and wildlife realted activities. Among her many interests are reading, photography and painting.
Currently she jointly handles all the Web and Social Media operations in BCSSL, along with treasurer duties.
Assistant Treasurer
Pasindu Shaneth
Pasindu is an undergraduate of Ocean University of Sri Lanka following a special degree in Fisheries and Marine Sciences in Faculty of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences. During his undergraduate period he published many researches related to marine science field.
Pasindu is a member of BCSSL since 2015. He has been a nature enthusiast since his childhood and he is a nature lover and has a passion for wildlife and travel photography. He is also member of Young Biologists’ Association of Sri Lanka (YBA) and Young Zoologists’ Association of Sri Lanka (YZA).
Dhammika Priyadarshanie
Dhammika is a draughtsperson by profession and fell in love with nature since she was a child. Migration from a village to highly populated and polluted area near Colombo made her understand the importance of the natural environment. Her desire to get closer with nature is fulfilled by frequent trips to wilderness.
She has completed the certificate course in Wildlife Conservation and Management at the Open University and is a member of the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka. She was the secretary of the Haritha Diyatha environmental organization in 2009.
Participating in the lectures and the field trips that are organized by the Butterfly Conservation Society of Sri Lanka Dhammika expects to widen her knowledge on butterflies as well as on other animal groups and plants.
Committee Member
Amila Prasanna Sumanapala
Amila, a member of the BCSSL since its beginning and the past president of year 2016 and 2018. He has been working very actively with the society and been a leading figure in many of its programs.
He graduated from University of Kelaniya with an honors degree in Environmental Conservation and Management and currently follows his M.Phil. degree at University of Colombo. He also works as a freelance ecologist. He is an active figure in the conservation movement and works with several volunteer conservation oriented organizations and projects. He is also a member of the expert panels on birds and dragonflies in the National Red Listing program.
Amila is a researcher working on biodiversity of Sri Lanka with a special interest on dragonflies and damselflies. His work for the past couple of years has contributed immensely to enrich the knowledge base on these insects and to popularize them among the public. He spearheaded the first field workshop on Sri Lankan dragonflies which was organized through BCSSL in 2016. He also authored A Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Sri Lanka as a Dilmah Conservation publication.
Committee Member
Chinthaka Wijesinghe
Chinthaka's fascination with nature and especially for the butterflies started from a very tender age as a member of the Young Zoologist's Association. He has been an ardent student of the nature and been enthusiastically involved in nature studies as well its conservation. Further, he is a keen nature photographer and specializes in macro photography of flowers, butterflies as well as amphibians.
By profession, Chinthaka is both a professional wedding photographer as well as a 3D design artist who works on various architectural projects.
Committee Member
Dulshani Somarathne
Dulshani is an undergraduate student in the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Jaffna. Even though it's different from her field of study, Dulshani has been an environmental activist since her school days & has always been passionate about nature conservation & nature exploration activities. She spends her time with nature, exploring animals & photographing them, especially birds, butterflies & dragonflies.
Committee Member
Indika Jayatissa
Indika is a naturalist, a photographer and a nature tour guide with a special interest in butterflies. A member of BCSSL since its inception, Indika has also participated in many research projects. He is also a member of the Wildlife Conservation Society of Galle and the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka.
Committee Member
Rukmal Rathnayake
Rukmal is a very enthusiastic nature lover who is seeking opportunities to serve for nature with his skills, abilities and competencies which he earned through his professional academic, sole and team work. He is a Biological Science Graduate at Faculty of Science, University of Colombo and acquired a Diploma in Information Technology with E-Commerce at ESOFT.
Rukmal worked in many researches related to wildlife conservation as a research assistant. He has a wide knowledge on identification, behavior and ecology of wild animals and disseminate his knowledge by wildlife documentary film making. He is also a skillfull wildlife artist and a creative photographer who captures the glimpses of wilderness.
Committee Member
Tharindu Ranasinghe
Tharindu is an undergraduate of the Open University of Sri Lanka and following the Bachelor of Science degree program, zoology as the major subject.
Tharindu’s knowledge of butterflies and dragonflies are extensive, though now he mainly focuses on the least studied groups of animals in Sri Lanka such as spiders and insects. His capability of spotting the butterfly larvae in the field has led him to uncover unknown early stages of some butterflies and some new larval food plants of few butterflies, which will be crucial for the conservation management of the butterflies in Sri Lanka.